Re: BLOBs in cvs

Peter Bowen wrote:

On Sun, 2002-09-01 at 09:30, Yanko Kaneti wrote:
Currently there are a number of (relatively) big files in cvs that often
make updating from cvs a bit of a problem. They also take space, and
from what I've heard from cvs experts  they take large amounts of memory
on the server whenever accessed.

To name a few, just from the web-devel-2 module  (size in Ks):
428	./content/projects/gup/hig/fop/lib/jimi.jar
680	./content/projects/gtp/style-guides/pdf/styleguide-ja.pdf
892	./content/projects/gup/hig/fop/lib/xalan-2.3.1.jar
928	./content/projects/gup/ut1_report.pdf
1660	./content/projects/gup/hig/fop/build/fop.jar
1696	./content/projects/gup/hig/fop/lib/xercesImpl-2.0.1.jar
1916	./content/projects/gup/hig/1.0/hig-1.0.pdf
2120	./content/projects/gup/hig/fop/lib/batik.jar

These are all reasonable to have in the web root.  jar and pdf files
are, presumable, designed to be viewed in the browser, and need to come
across with proper headers.
I would guess that fop, xerces and batik are there simply to convert the docbook document to PDF.


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