Re: GEP-4 : Versioning and branching rules proposal

Hi Frederic,

On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 11:18, Frederic Crozat wrote:
> Here is the announce for GEP-4 : versioning and branching rules for
> GNOME modules..
> Discussions should be done on desktop-devel list..
> Grr, this time, I'll use the correct email for desktop-devel list.. 

	It concerns me on re-re-reading this; that the proposal (as is common
it seems) fails to make sufficient work of codifying the requirements as
distinct from handing down a solution.

	While the solution you present sounds attractive, it would I believe be
far more helpful to state the requirements, so that we can see if these
are acceptable to eg. the Gtk+ team - and present the solution you
propose as more of a flexible suggestion to meet those requirements -
than a handed down solution.

	What I want to avoid is something like "We'll never accept a 4 digit
release number", and focus more on "Yes we share most of those
requirements - how can we work together".

	Any chance you could re-hash it, re-stating and expanding many of your
requirements; such as:

	* ease of CVS handling
	* a memorable set of cross-module tags
	* a uniform set of branching rules across the platform
	* a numbering system we can use for manging the ftp site

	etc. ;-) sorry that it's lots harder to extract the essentials in that
fashion; but I believe it'll be rewarding in the long run. Also, I must
confess to being most interested in what Owen thinks of this - and
perhaps we should add him to the responsible maintainers, since his
input is so critical to getting something uniform across as many
packages as possible.



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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