Re: Minutes x2 for release team 2002-10-30 and 2002-11-06

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 01:53, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 08:28:17PM +0000, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> [...]
> > Minutes for Gnome 2 release team meeting 2002-10-30
> > ===================================================
> [...]
> >   * Build sheriff needed
> > 
> >   Dan Mills (<v_thunder> on IRC) has been doing this on an
> >   unofficial basis. He hasn't been reverting commits that break
> >   things, but he has been mailing module maintainers when the build
> >   breaks. 
> Based on some experiences leading up to GNOME 2.0.0, could I suggest
> that we have multiple build sheriffs this time around. The problem is
> that even Jacob had to sleep sometimes and we would often be in a
> position of a commit breaking the build and then having to stall for 12
> or 18 hours to get either release team approval to fix it (again
> timezones interfered) or wait until the build sheriff woke up.
> One European, one Australian or New Zealander and one North American (if
> suitable candidates can be found) would be good.

I don't clearly see the need for specific person appointments in this
case. I think the damage of a non-building tree is greater then the
possible maintainer headache of dealing with a build sheriff fix/revert.

Please note "possible". Clearly there are  many people with cvs access
capable of properly fixing the usual small glitches. If the fix/revert
is properly documented  and the maintainer notified I don't see any
reason for a maintainer to be grumpy about it. 

What's lacking probably is some coordination. A specific irc channel
would be optimal for this purpose. say #build gimpnet


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