Re: Proposed release process/plans


> This discussion should not be about /component/ specifics; the
> discussion, rather, should be about the time spans and such proposed; if
> galeon is ready in that framework, great; if not, oh well. [Alternately,
> if you think we should be _generally_ feature based and not time based,
> go for it but please don't use _specific_ features to justify that
> position.]

My only worry, and this might have been talked about offline, is the
fact that for 2.0 we froze all the libraries at the same time. This
seems kinda lunatic to me...Perhaps it's not so much of an issue now
that more of the core development work has been done, but I'd still like
to see some sort of tiered library releases start from the bottom of the
stack and proceeding upwards over time.

		Anyway, just random thoughts..
				Glynn ;)

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