UTF-8 in GNOME2 po files

sön 2002-01-27 klockan 23.45 skrev Jody Goldberg:
> It sounds as if people are saying that there exist versions of
> gettext that can not map non-utf8 po file -> utf8 on the fly.

Yeah, this is the situation, if I understand Carlos correctly. There are
versions of gettext and libc on various platforms that cannot handle
UTF-8 conversion on the fly, and where the po files thus have to be in
UTF-8 for translations to work in GNOME2.

> If this is true there we can either require better gettext routines or
> ensure that the po files are in utf8.  The latter seems like a
> better solution.

I think a lot of people are leaning towards requiring po files in UTF-8
for GNOME2. I know Carlos is. :-)
The portability argument is quite convincing, and the status of support
for UTF-8 editing (at least for latin scripts) in tools isn't as bad as
I previously thought, so personally I've changed my mind. All Swedish
translations for GNOME2 will be in UTF-8.

An decision whether there should be a requirement for UTF-8 in all
GNOME2 translations isn't really up to me, though. But in any case there
needs to be a decision soon.


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