Re: Releases without tags

>It would be *REALLY* nice if people stopped the regrettable behaviour of
>making ir-reproducible releases by not appropriately tagging the module. 
>the present (as of gnome2-desktop-alpha) list of offenders is:
>	* atk
>	* at-spi
>	* gail
>	* gedit2
>	* gtkhtml
>	* libwnck
>	* metatheme
>Maintainers co-operation in not shooting their own feet off would be 

The at-spi and gail tarballs on the FTP site correspond to the AT_SPI_0_0_5 and 
GAIL_0_5 tags in CVS (these are new packages uploaded this morning).

The ATK dist also corresponds exactly to the code tagged ATK_0_9 in cvs, but 
since there was no change in the source I didn't feel the need to upload a new 
package ;-)

Of course in future I will tag *first* and make the dist after :-)


>	Sander
>	I see a dark sail on the horizon
>	Set under a dark cloud that hides the sun
>	Bring me my Broadsword and clear understanding
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Bill Haneman x19279
Gnome Accessibility / Batik SVG Toolkit
Sun Microsystems Ireland 

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