Re: Branching woes

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

On Sun, Oct 28, 2001 at 03:43:55PM +0100, Rodrigo Moya wrote:

On Sun, 2001-10-28 at 21:29, Iain wrote:

I want to branch gnome-media 1.0 so I can commit the GNOME2 stuff I have
to HEAD, but I don't know cvs well enough to do it.

Could someone please tell me how to do it?


cvs tag your-tag-name

to create a tag (read-only). And:

cvs tag -b your-tag-name

to create a branch

In general, if you are going to create a branch, it's a good idea to tag
the tree just before you branch with a normal tag. So you end up doing
something like

	cvs tag before_GNOME_1_x
	cvs tag -b GNOME_1_x

Or for the paranoid:
 cvs rtag before_branchname modulename
 cvs rtag -r before_branchname -b branchname modulename

This will make sure the branch splits off at the before tag. Note that rtag doesn't need a checkout of the module, and takes a path name relative to the root of the repository -- not the current directory (make sure you don't tag the entire repository). If you want to branch a branch, add an appropriate -r argument to the first "cvs rtag" command.

To merge the changes on the branch into head, in a checkout of the trunk, and run the following:
 cvs update -j branchname .

And if you are going to be merging between branches multiple times, it is a good idea to tag the branch after each merge, so you can use -j again:
 cvs update -j tag-i-made-after-last-merge -j branchname .


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