Re: GNOME 2.0 Schedule

Sander said:

>I have no idea how sun feels, except I really can't see it wanting UI
>freeze inbetween major releases (I can already see how billh and many
>others would think of even suggesting such a thing).

I take it you meant "wouldn't think of suggesting such a thing"


Actually I think UI freezes are a good thing, if they are relaxed at 
regular and predictable intervals (such as 'dot-releases').  But I think 
that a gnome UI (appearance, at least) that changed from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 
would be a "bad thing".

As for 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1, perhaps we should be a little less rigid.  But in 
general you don't want to have to reissue docs for "" releases.

Not to mention the annoyance of having to relearn how things work every 
few weeks :-(

Again, I am not speaking for Sun here :-)

but my expectation is that dot-dot UI freezes would be desired, and that 
some amount of UI change at "dot" releases would be OK.


Bill Haneman x19279
Gnome Accessibility / Batik SVG Toolkit
Sun Microsystems Ireland 

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