Re: Creating a platform definition list

> My bad, this is part of what I'm meant to be putting up on the dotPlan site
> as part of release team duties. I've been waiting for schedule stuff, which
> was probably not necessary. Sorry about that.

Is this a "What modules will be part of Gnome2" document or a "What
changes will be in these modules that are part of Gnome2" document?

Aaron and I were talking about the latter, and I can't see that the
release team can do the latter[1] without discussion with the

I do agree that the former type of document is a step in the right
direction to achieve the latter. So maybe we could start brainstorming
things now?

For my suggestions, the first things I can think are
Gnome-Games: GnomeStones.

This can be a fun game, but GnomeStones is very slow. I think this is
due to the use of the canvas, because I've written some GFX stuff with
the GtkDrawingArea and gdk_draw_rgb functions and can get 50 frames a
second with ~100 moving objects. So maybe the display stuff needs
rewritten to use the GtkDrawingArea.

The graphics could do with a revamp, not that I could do any better than
the current ones.

A map editor is sorely needed, as there's a major lack of good levels
for it.

Gnome-Media: CDDBSlave
I've rewritten this as a Bonobo Component.

GTCD: General concensus among the people I've talked to is that it needs
rewritten, to be nicer and less Linux specific.

I'd also like gnome-media to be more bonobo based[3], but I'd like more
of gnome to be bonobo based so take that as you will :)

[1] No offense intended to the release team, who are doing a pretty good
job from what I see.
[2] If there has been discussion, then please let me know what list it's
on, cos I've missed it.
[3] Including and not limited to a bonobo control like the delphi
MediaControl and a control that has a popup volume slider like the
windows one and a button to open the mixer.

"It isn't rebels who cause the troubles of the world, 
it's the troubles that cause the rebels." - Carl Oglesby

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