Re: National Website in Japan (pressing for an action)

On 28 May 2001 17:44:08 -0400, Iain wrote:
> > How pathetic. How utterly pathetic.
> Thanks, I tried my best.
> > If XFCE is better than Gnome then learn from them. Perhaps you've forgotten the
> > goal of a single desktop where all the apps work together be they gnome,
> > kde or other.
> > 
> > And yes on a low end box XFCE has Gnome completely and totally pasted. That
> > is a good thing because either Gnome has to get lighter or make a concious
> > decision that XFCE is the better choice for low end boxes and stop worrying
> > about being a bad desktop on slower boxes/handheld/pda devices and just get
> > on with being good at the high end
> Where does "Learning from them and making all apps work together" and
> "Printing articles about them that didn't actually meantion GNOME at
> all*" intersect? I don't see it at all. And if they do somehow cross,
> why don't we print KDE articles, cos they quite often meantion GNOME,
> and after all there's always the goal of a single desktop where all the
> apps work together be they gnome, kde or others to think about.
> (Bear in mind, I'm not arguing about any technical merits or lack
> thereof in any of the projects meantioned, I just don't think articles
> about them are relevant on a GNOME website).
> iain
> *Meantioning the word "Nautilus" once does not count.

Did you actually read the interview? He mentions GNOME alot, and if you
ever looked at the XFCE webpage you see that GNOME compatability is a
priority for them. This is not comperable to KDE which has a separate
development plattform.

Let me list some quotes from the interview, these are made by the XFCE

* I'm pretty sure that Nautilus will make it on the Linux desktop, so
Xfce and especially xfwm, had to be compatible with Nautilus to stay in
the run

* I think (but this is just my opinion) that Xfce could help some people
in migrating from CDE to GNOME

* Don't get me wrong here, I don't see it as something like "GNOME or
Xfce" because Xfce doesn't feature all the goodies one can find in
GNOME, but rather like GNOME and Xfce. Just a thought...


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