Re: Intolerable CVS behaviour

> I don't like ACL's. This is yet another measure that raises the
> barrier for contributing to Gnome projects. I don't think that's in
> the interest of the Gnome community.

The normal approach to contribute to a free software project is `send
the patch to the maintainer'.  Sometimes the maintainer asks the CVS
guys to allow someone to commit directly to the CVS.

But when we grant access to the CVS to a contributor, we are not
granting this to a single module/directory/portion, we are granting
him permission to make changes *anywhere* on the CVS.

A guy with permission to hack on `gcolorsel' can commit code to
gnumeric, nautilus, bonobo, evolution, gimp, gtk+, libxml, glade and
so on.

The CVS is not a replacement for good communication with the
maintainer of a project, and as we just saw, this caused Daniel to get
very annoyed.  This is not the first time this has happened, and I bet
you this wont be the last.

> We should simply spent more time educating people about CVS and what the
> usage rules are.

`We should' sounds like you are voluntering to contact every single
person with CVS access, establish contact, explain to them, get an ack
back, and if no ack is received shut down his account.  Is this what
you are suggesting?


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