Minutes of the GNOME 2.0 Release Team Meeting - 2001/12/15

Minutes of the GNOME 2.0 Release Team Meeting - 2001/12/15


  John Fleck
  Karl Gaffney
  Jody Goldberg
  Jamin P. Gray
  Gregory Leblanc
  Michael Meeks
  Jeff Waugh (chair, minutes)


  Telsa Gwynne
  Kjartan Maraas
  Seth Nickell
  Maciej Stachowiak
  Sander Vesik

Previous Actions

  DONE: Jeff organised to meet with Bill H. on Monday to run up MUSTFIX
    desktop accessibility bugs
   => done, posted to g2rt (will be part of status report)
  DONE: Announce Jody as third "Yes you can!" man
   => not so much announced as just happening ;) (announced in status report)
  DONE: Seth to talk to Maciej, find out status of availability
   => maciej posted to g2rt independently
  DONE: Michael to send screenies to Jeff
   => posted on dot.plan


  PENDING: Seth to get good status report gnomecc
   => gnomecc 1.5 confirmed anyway

  PENDING: Jeff to update schedule, Telsa to mail You Are Here
   => up on dot.plan, not announced

  PENDING: Telsa to personally mail hackers, get substitute maintainers if
    people are busy over Christmas
   => karl got proposed email, waiting for response + today's discussion

  PENDING: Seth, John, Jeff to meet and discuss gnome-utils
   => John to organise for this week

  ACTION: Chasing status from maintainers, encouraging porting; Telsa, Jody,
  ACTION: Jeff to ask George to add all modules up to desktop in v-b-s,
    maintainers about snapshot tarballs.
  ACTION: Discuss compat/interop issues between 1.4 and 2.0 with gnomecc

Decisions & Discussions

* Board issues

  - Worried about schedule: name that conveys extent of release, unclear on
	desktop alpha timing and content.

  - Desktop alpha too soon, release team regarded as scheduling mistake,
	quietly removed. :)

  - Valuable to have desktop release/snapshots, even if it's rough, because it
	will allow people to fix and hack beyond small core team.

  - "When there's public debate and mass hysteria, then the patches roll in." -
	Michael Meeks (regarding release of not-so-perfect components)

  - Balancing act between widening testing/hacker base and getting snarky

  - Should make desktop module snapshots available; sharply increase audience
	without release fever.

  - Michael: gstreamer should have some more attention, would be good to see it
	released with 2.0. It's a good (and flashy!) extra, but best to release as
	fifth toe app at this stage.

* Platform beta release

  - Michael + Jeff to release and make noise respectively today.

  - Noise to include pointer to porting guide and build scripts so hackers can
	get in and start porting straight away.

- Jeff

   "I believe in true love. But I am easily satisfied." - Miguel de Icaza   
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