release coordination


We need a new release coordinator for GNOME 2.0. If you're interested,
send me private mail, I'll make a list and we'll choose someone at the
next board meeting. People who were on the candidate list last time we
did this are encouraged to volunteer again, send me a mail if you're
still interested.

THIS IS NOT A HACKING JOB. If you are currently madly hacking on GNOME
2, then this job would involve doing a lot less hacking and a lot more
hassling people, bug tracking, and planning the release roadmap.  The
job does _not_ involve developing GNOME 2 yourself, but instead
getting other people to develop GNOME 2 in sync and keeping the hacker
community updated on what's going on. For example, you might:

 - maintain a list of target dates and milestones

 - make sure there is a bugzilla query that shows everything left to
   do for each GNOME 2 milestone

 - maintain a list of which parts of the GNOME 2 platform will install 
   in parallel, and which still need fixing

 - coordinate docs, translations, etc.

 - lead the push for fixing apps wrt accessibility, key navigation,
   usability project, etc. - i.e. coordinate what needs doing
   and maintain up-to-date info on that.

 - making sure we port to the new libs and release, without going 
   on too many destabilization tangents

 - deciding which new packages are added to GNOME and which 
   old packages are dropped


It's a ton of work, but it's all organizational, it doesn't involve
writing code.

Maciej, Martin, and other previous release maintainers are encouraged
to post their views on what the job involves, so people know what
they're getting into.



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