Re: Thinking about Dogfood

On 13 Aug 2001, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> > I repeat - majority of software is broken for
> > non-ascii users. Even Evolution is broken for people who have to use non-ascii
> > (e.g. German people)! The i18n-related bugs in Evolution make me thinking that
> > Evolution developers even *do not test* it with accented characters! I wonder
> > where Sun (who seems to care about i18n in thier Solaris) and HP and other
> > Ximian's inverstors are looking at - it seems Ximian was supposed to polish
> > gnome for international use too - but Ximian is not doing this at all.
> > 
> Can you provide a detailed bug report on

  If you mean evolution:
 I posted a lot of bugreports about all problems I was able to find in
Evolution 0.11 during not that long test run and a very critical one for
bonobo ( ).

  If you mean other gnome software (shipped with ximian gnome): 
 I could, but it would take *a lot* of time since there are so many problems
and solutions to describe if done properly (of course I can supply fixes also
as I encounter problems), and sure I would be directed to try again the latest
versions of entire gnome and even developer snapshots.. But that's too much
hassle to be done in free time, especially for software I haven't even used. I
can be hired for this task, and would love to preform it.

 Best regards,

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