Putting new applets into gnome-applets

"Darth_Bash$" <defcon5 ec-red com> writes:

> I want to know if you can put my new applet to the gnome-applets
> package...
> Its an applet that shows 4 buttons and you can press in each of
> them to change  between diferent workspaces..Also you can write
> the names of the workspaces in the buttons.
> For the moment is has 4 buttons,but i can change the code for
> reading the number of workspaces and showing equal number of
> buttons..
> is it useful for the gnome project??


well, the question is not whether your applet is useful for the
GNOME project, the question is just whether it makes sense to have
it in gnome-applets or not.

In general, we don't want to have any new applets in gnome-applets
which are not

a) completely different from everything which is already in gnome-applets

b) of general interest and useful for a very large number of people

Other than that, I think that a new applet should be developed and maturize
outside of gnome-applets and only go into gnome-applets if it is stable
enough and also has a large enough user base.

We will most likely also remove some of the applets from gnome-applets which
do not meet these criteria for GNOME 2.0.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your applet is not useful for the
GNOME Project, I'm just saying that it's inappropriate for the gnome-applets


Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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