RE: UI Guidelines -- What I'm doing

Dan Mueth wrote:
> We really need to think about what our goals and roadmap are.  Creating
> and using a UI guideline will play a very key role.  However, we should
> try to frame the project in terms of scope and time frame so that it has a
> tangible effect on GNOME 2.0.  If the scope is too broad, if the time
> frame is too long, if the quality is not good enough, if we can't all
> agree to the extent that we can adopt the guidelines, if we are unable to
> get developers to implement the guidelines, etc., then all this work would
> be in vain and GNOME 2.0 will be as unusable as GNOME 1.4 or even more so.
> > Call For Writers

Realistically, you will need to give some initial examples of different
goals if you want to stimulate a discussion about them.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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