RE: Reprise of the panel layout proposal

On 20 Jun 2001 17:02:01 -0700, Jared White wrote:
> How about making the main menu, running tasks menu, and the workspace pager
> into tabs? In other words, instead of having huge bars all over the place
> with buttons on them, just have little tabs that look like they're hanging
> onto the edge of the screen. When someone clicks on a tab, the tab would
> "slide out" to reveal a "menu" or "panel" connected to it. In fact, make it
> almost like a small drawer sliding out that contains widgets ala the drawers
> of Mac OS X. Is this too far out or does anyone else like the idea? I can do
> a simple graphical mockup if anyone's interested.

That would undo the advantages of Fitts' law and would require at least
two clicks to do something.

> I think Gnome really needs to starting distancing itself in terms of
> graphical UI design from other OSes or desktop environments. I like your
> ideas, James, but I feel like they're a bit too similar to existing Mac OS
> or Windows paradigms. Not that there is anything "wrong" with that, but
> automatically assuming any UI designs that deviate from those existing
> paradigms are strange or confusing or undesirable is a REALLY bad thing,
> Any other ideas, folks?

Actually I've been having this idea to have something like the Nautilus
sidebar on a desktop level. The only difference would be that when all
slideovers (I just made that term up.. does it show ;) ) are hidden the
panel is hidden completely so the space is available to the desktop
(Nautilus should perhaps do this too).

In this sidebar I would place things like the Nautilus News, Tree and
Notes components as well as a bookmark and shelf (something that you can
drag 'n' drop or paste objects to for re-use later) component.

Besides these objects that are present or could be present in Nautilus I
was also thinking of placing some always-on applications in there. Some
ideas would be a music player (with playlist), an instant messenger, the
Evolution task list, calendar, etc..

How does this sound? If it doesn't make any sense it's because I'm tired

(If there are follow-ups I'll reply tomorrow.)

- Jonas.

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