Re: UI hiccups...

<quote who="Michael Adams">

> what effort is going into solving some of the major problems in gnome's ui?

Major problems? We'll seeL

> For example, the hierachial menus. Under the mac...

Fixed in Gnome 1.2 CVS. Download and compile today.

> How about alpha drop shadows under cursors, ala Windows 2000 and troll
> tech's Palmtop Environment.

A limitation of XFree86.

> Finally, how about a mac menu bar. You know, the menu bar accross the top
> thing. Why? do i need to go into this?

No, if you'd checked the archives, you would have known that it has been
brought up numerous times, and various people have made progress on hacking
up a solution. Perhaps something viable will appear in time for Gnome 2.0.

> Oh yeah, is it at all possible, using the latest advancements in X (see
> slashdot), to have alpha transparency drop shadows and anti-aliased fonts?

Theoretically yes, but not at the moment. A couple of people have hacked up
preliminary support for the current RENDER extension, HOWEVER all of this is
in-development stuff, and why should we make the effort to hack up some
pretty bound-to-change things when getting Gnome 1.4 out the door is more

Horse, Carriage. Baby, Bathwater.

- Jeff

-- jdub aphid net ----------------------------- --

             make: *** No rule to make target `whoopee'.  Stop.             

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