Re: let's get started

I think what the guy might have been referring to is the fact that the Gnome gui web pages have been somewhat static for quite some time. It particular the UI Hit Squad. Whatever happened to that? It seemed to be about a week of activity and them it died. What happened to GFM, the Gnome File Manager? How the heck did we end up with Nautilus?


Bart Kuik wrote:

On 04 Apr 2001 22:05:06 -0400, dutchusa66 aol com wrote:

bon jour,
i like hearing what you guys want on GUI, but when can i get started coding

There is some strange site, called '' (really dunno what
they mean with that 'gnome' thingy, maybe just coz it was the only .org
domainname available... and HEY! it's the Gnome homepage!), and on the
frontpage of it there are some links to 'develop with gnome' and
'contribute to gnome'. Maybe you will find there some information about
contributing to and programming with gnome (wild guess).....?


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