Re: Alternative way to implement application styles

john erling blad aftenposten no (2000-10-10 at 2009.48 +0200):
> There are a small set of different top level windows (good enough
explanation for now) and the window managers uses this info to present
them with different styles. Could it be possible to somehow tell the
window manager or whatever other system there are that "I'm a wizzard
or I'm a gizmo, decorate me". That way there could be a small set of

That theme appeared in Sawfish list some weeks ago, with a better
focus: decorate base in owner of the process. As you may guess, the
idea was to decor root owned windows different than user owned ones so
you can run one apps as normal user and others as root (avoiding the
dangers of running all as root) and be sure you are clicking in a
"god" window or in normal user window. This idea (UID / GID) is not
possible, or at least not easily.

On the other hand, Sawfish allows you to decor windows using different
themes. So you only have to open Sawfish config tool and start adding
styles to windows you want. Try it, yes, you will have to create new
themes for SF and a long list of matches, but it is perfectly doable,
and with some scripts I guess it could be fast (set theme based in
menu entry? game menu -> game border, etc). IIRC the Sawfish screenshot
shown it to demostrate SF configurability.


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