Re: Tooltips, Labels, and the Dots

John Sullivan <> writes:

> That should depend on the phrasing.

Okay.  How should one phrase tooltips?  I hear your answer: "Short" ;)

> If the tooltip is a complete sentence, it should end with a period. If
> it is a noun phrase, it shouldn't. Perhaps you're arguing that all
> tooltips and check boxes should contain complete sentences?

I'm not sure.  "Print preview" is okay.  So is "Undo the operation" --
qualifies "Undo the operation" as a complete sentence?  (Examples from

It sounds reasonable: Incomplete "sentences" (phrases) don't need dots.
I'd like to add the a further rule: If an application has one long
tooltip (= sentence with a dot) all tooltips -- even the short ones --
should have dots (if conformity is a goal).

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