Re: Document Centricity in GNOME [LONG]

>> Find a way to do all that in a nice way with GUI and you are done (CLI is
>> just some cmds like "xhost +local:" "/bin/su - dummy" "export DISPLAY=:#"
>> "run file" wait).
>You'll want to do some X sandboxing as well (because otherwise, the
>app will be able to run your other programs, monitor all keystrokes,

I think that like the rest of tasks, it will run only under dummy UID. The
keystrokes is a serious problem, yes, but not the run of other apps (most
systems have resouce limits, so you can avoid hoarding or fork bombs, IIRC
Linux kernel has an antibomb patch, for example).

>etc).  Anyone know how secure Xnest is?

I dunno. Anybody tried VNC? It could be used as sandbox too, IMO. This is
becoming interesting.


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