Re: panel/menu usability

Zing Zing Awungshi Shishak wrote:
> I find the navigation of the panel a bit to "strict" i.e. I would like to
> be able to click foot->move up to applications->move diagonally to
> abiword; rather than -> move right then -> move down to abiword.  Of
> course, moving diagonally highlights the utilities menu and drives me nuts
> (go ahead, call me a windows luser).
Maybe a time delay can soft the problem. I mean that when the mouse is
over an 
option, instead of the menu response immediately ,it response after a
moment of 
time, for example, 0.8 seconds. So that the menu do not change its state
the mouse is moving diagonally. 

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I don't believe that any conclusion is as valid as any other. 
In a certain situation something must be right and 
something must be wrong. 
                                               ------Merlix Lo

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