Re: trouble with the new menu panel

gavin hurley wrote:
> Is anyone else troubled by the new menu panel deal that makes it's
> appearance in Gnome 1.2? It's not all bad; I actually use it on my system.
> It sort of reminds me of the Mac menu.
Yes, sort of as you say below.

> But. What would really be nice is to use that top space for an app that
> swallowed the menu of the active app. Then it would really be a lot more
> like the Mac. Not that I'm much of a Mac fan but I actually think that's one
> thing they did right that /everyone/ else did wrong.
Hmmm... I ve got to disagree with that. The Amiga Workbench does the
same thing with menus as the Mac. And it's probably even more

> Furthermore, with menus stuck inside the app you tend to get crowding
> problems like with the Gimp. You have to put all your menu commands in this
> tiny little space so you end up with a bunch of submenus that are painful to
> use on a regular basis. True, this is partially ameliorated by having
> tear-off menus but I still think the better approach is to use the top of
> the screen.
I agree.

> Anyway, this is why I make the appeal that the top of the screen get
> "reserved" for a menu swallowing app. If people get used to the 1.2 menu bar
> they will be that much more reluctant to even try Mac style menus. The top
> edge of the screen is really valuable space. I feel like you could
> incorporate what's already in the menu bar with a menu swallowing app and
> make everyone happier.
Once again I agree 100%. This feature would be a welcome addition that
definitely make me feel much more at home...


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