Re: OT Mailing list settings

Dylan Griffiths wrote:
> > Definately. Someone has to fix that. I get duplicate messages all the
> > time (people both replying to the list _and_ cc:ing; duplicate messages
> > annoys the hell out of me) or people that accidentally only reply to me
> > and not the list.
> If I hit ctrl+R, I just get this sent to you.  If I use Netscape's "reply to
> all," this gets sent to you *and* the list.  Perhaps reply-to: being set to
> the list would be beneficial in this case,

That's exactly my idea. =)

> as long as people remembered that ctrl+R wouldn't (by default) be a private > reply to the original author :)

Only replying to the original author is in my experience not the most
common case. So I don't think it's a big problem - it's a good idea to
always check to whom you're sending your messages anyway.

Most lists have Reply-To: <list> by default, and with those lists there
are seldom problems. People don't send duplicate messages and don't
accidentally only reply to the sender. Instead, I would say that those
frequent "accidents" with this list is due to the unexpected default
Reply-To behavior on this list - namely no Reply-To at all.

That shouldn't be the case.


Christian Rose               

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