Re: File dialogs: Network access

On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 07:32:41PM +0200, Jorg Rathlev wrote:
> It should not be forbidden to enter URLs into the dialogs. If you enter an
> FTP or HTTP or whatever URL, the application should open that file from /
> save the file to that location, if possible. The dialog should not be a
> network client itself, however. If you're using a tool that mounts a network
> resource into your filesytem, you'll be able to use these parts of the
> filesystem just like everything else, of course.

Much like gnome-help-browser, I expect. Despite GNOME including
libghttp, I think it uses "lynx -source" for http://urls.

[Yes, yes, bung all this code into gnome-vfs]

Borderline-case question: AFAIK, a URL looks mostly like:


You can leave out a lot of things.. what happens if you leave off the
protocl bit? On a Windows box, it connects via SMB. What should GNOME
do, given that SMB is (a) crappy for sharing Unix-style files, and (b)
a crappy protocol, full stop.

What's mcserv like as a filesharing protocol?

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