Re: File dialogs: Network access

"Michael T. Babcock" wrote:
> Not relevant ;-).
> It should access the VFS, whatever that may be provided by.  If I'm not
> mistaken, there is a gnome-vfs being worked on seperately from gfm, etc.
> which would be used.  It may understand web sites or ftp directories and the
> file-entry dialog simply needs to interface with that, not re-create this
> functionality.

Thank you, second voice of reason.  I've said before I'm against adding FTP
support, etc, to a common file dialog because it's fundamentally the Wrong
Place for it.  You say Gnome VFS should handle it, and I think that's an
interesting solution.  However, I think it'd be better if we just put hooks
for it in the kernel and had a userland daemom for the specifics of the
connection and population of the vfs (like of how userland NFS works).  The
true VFS is the proper place as it guarantees a consistent view to all
programs.  But then it's a linux-kernel discussion..

-- -- technology and culture, from the trenches.

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