First UI component needing replacement.

problem with checkboxes is visual clutter in the dialog. there will already
be a variety of icons, buttons, and text shown to the user. adding another
type of control makes things very cluttered. a checkbox is simply a way of
showing that multiple things can be 'turned on'.  if you add the checkbox to
file selection all you are doing is repeating information that the highlight
on the file already communicates in a much more scannable way (if you remove
the highlight and go only with check boxes then you've make the scanability
of the over all selection harder to read. i.e., in the security settings for
ie a tree with radio and check boxes is used to display the information. it
is clear how to turn things on and off, but this isn't a easy list to glance
at and cull information from.)

and what is the behavior: 

does it mark the item with i highlight it, or do i have to explicitly have
to check the box? if not, then what you are really proposing is changing the
default behavior of a select action to be what is now ctrl+click.

can i shift+click over a range or do i have to click each box that i want?

can i clear my selection with one click or do i have to unselect a la carte?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael T. Babcock []
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 4:29 AM
To: Christian Rose; Gnome GUI list
Subject: Re: First UI component needing replacement.

Clicking with a mouse, AND pressing a key on a keyboard, AND remembering to
not click without continuing to hold down CTRL is a BETTER UI decision than
offering checkboxes?  The checkboxes can come on or off just by clicking the
file -- it doesn't have to be just clicking inside the box.  Lots of
checkbox areas work that way.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Rose" <>
To: "Gnome GUI list" <>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: First UI component needing replacement.

> "Michael T. Babcock" wrote:
> > Wouldn't it make more sense to offer checkboxes next to filenames for
> > multi-select?
> I think it's a bad idea. Then you'd have to imply the use of selecting a
> check box for opening of single files too (for the sake of consistency),
> which I think is a UI horror (check boxes are small and not so easy to
> hit, and why should you be forced to click on it instead of the file
> name?).
> No, the way to select multiple files should probably be SHIFT+mouseclick
> and CTRL+mouseclick (like it already is, both on Windows and in gmc).
> Christian
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