Re: Meaning of "Close" in non-modal dialogs (was: Re: gnome-stock pixmaps)

>(OK) means "Apply+Close".
>(Apply) means "Apply".
>(Undo) means "Undo last step".
>(Cancel) means "Undo all+Close".
>(Close) means "Close".

Apply Undo Close is one group.
OK Cancel (or Yes No) is another with a different purpose.

>A modal dialog (i.e. the dominant type of dialog in MS Windows, Mac
>should use (OK) and (Cancel). It might also have a (Preview) button to
>show a preview of the effect of the operation, but the operation would
>not "really" take effect until the user hits (OK).

Windoze systems suck... they use interchange words with not reason.

>A non-modal (=persistens) dialog (which seems to be more common in UNIX
>Motif, and is used in MS Windows et al mainly for "tool options"
>should instead use (Apply), (Undo) and (Close). All of these buttons
>should do *only* what they say and *not* have any side effects.

Yes! One word == one meaning.

>GIMP has a tendency towards non-modal dialogs, because these are often
>more powerful and convenient for the user, provided that their screen
>is large enough to hold all the dialogs. But there are still times
>when modal dialogs are needed, e.g. for things that cannot be undone
>and would seem out-of-context as non-modal dialogs (e.g. a "delete file"
>confirmation dialog box in a file manager application).

Thanks for the explication.


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