Re: Patchcords

Adam Ierymenko wrote:
> For example, a GUI mp3 decoder could have an "audio/x-wav" output plug.. and
> to pipe the output into something like.. say.. a graphics display program like
> Cthugha you could grab a patchcord from the patchcord box icon and plug one
> end into the "audio/x-wav" output on the mp3 decoder and plug the other end
> into the "audio/x-wav" input on the graphics program.

I think this idea has some merit.  It's like connecting up any
components. Actually, this in some ways sounds like corba.  You use it
to connect different objects together.  The visual part is sort of like
those visual component development tools.  It does seem like this would
be user friendly.  It seems like just about everybody has to have hooked
up a VCR or sterio at least once.  You would have the output and input
jacks easily accessible on the application? or would there be a "back
panel" for connectors.


Jason Gilbert | |

"The total job will be in the software, and we'll be able to write big
fat programs. We can let them run somewhat inefficiently because there
will be so much horsepower that just sits there. The real focus won't
be who can cram it down in, or who can do it in machine language. It
will be on who can define the right user interface and properly
integrate the main packages." -- Bill Gates, PC Magazine 1982

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