Re: Style Guide suggestion writes:
> > * Every Gnome app that has a toolbar should provide a
> > Preferences... menu entry that calls up a dialog that has a set of
> > radio buttons to select one of: "Pictures and Text", "Pictures only"
> > or "Text only" (style guide maintainer: feel free to
> > s/Pictures/Images/g if you think that's more intuitive).
> This can be handled automatically in gnome-app.c.  I commited some of
> the code required for thsi to the CVS (we just need the nice dialog
> box now that does the actual work).

OK, I'll update my directory and try to work up a dialog (unless
someone gets to it first). My idea for this is that we can reuse a
common "GnomeAppAppearancePrefs" widget for both the dialog in the
control panel, and to be used to place as a tab in each app's
"Preferences" dialog.

> > * Every Gnome app that has a toolbar should provide tooltips for each
> > toolbar button, and for other controls on the toolbar if appropriate. 
> This is already taken care of if you use the gnome-app-helper stuff.
> Once the above mentioned dialog box is in place, we can get the
> tooltips working all over the place.

OK, well, I think a lot of apps are not specifying tooltips. I guess
these should be reported as bugs to the authors.
> > * Every Gnome app that has a toolbar should allow you to turn the
> > tooltips on and off through the Preferences dialog with a checkbutton
> > labelled "Tooltips on".
> Exactly


 - Maciej

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