Do you like pipes? Or(?) GUI?

B.S. I'm firs time here - so sorry for duplication/errors


 I am fond of Pipes in Unix cmd , so main application in Xwin - 
still Xterm ;->
	Is it correct for real usefull X envirnment?
 I think  - no....

	So ...the idia is- to implement graphical interpretation
 of pipes....

	Do you remember the classical cut/paste in Text mode?
 With mouse or txt cursor..... What now of it? - txt/img/....mime
 compatible clipboard selection.
	So where is pipes? They can also be modified like it.
	Or it can be extension of DnD - not to carry Obj,
 but to carry link - to establish communication between 2application.

	Here is example:
cat file | grep string
you can have   a simple window with 4 active parts and otion dialog
.In.In_pipe.         .Out_pipe.Out.
.         Option: "string"        .
 So , if you DnDrop TXT file on field (In) - it will appear there
as icon (while processed), then disapear, but New TxtFile icon
appear on (Out) field - so u can DnD it to other application or to Desk
 Why there *_pipe? - it just produce LINK object so - you can
open 2 windows of grep, and then DnD from (Out_pipe)#1 to (In_pipe)#2
 And then if you drop TXT on (In)#1 , you will collect new from (Out)#2

	Simple? Implemantable?
 Where to get programs? - just make standart G intrfaces to grep/sort/....
of shell ones.....

	And ... in shell - there is only 1 type of object - character stream
 here can be JPG/GIF/Image/TXTfile/Char stream/etc..etc..etc...
	Ex:  <txt_file> -> .file2charStream. -> .grep new. -> .2file.

Also there can be more than 1 In/Out
Also there can be more then 1 path
	(split Image to objects size/header/img data)
	(then different programs can be used (mult size by 2)...
 and again it can be collected <img data+size> in image - so made scale)
	(databases....... ;-)

 Scripts - can be something graphical... as Visual graphs.....
 Options - can be popups.....

	So here is the idia..... As olways - use free , just save auther ;->


P.S. I must admit , that I can't do it myself - not so good programmer
	so .. if you like - ...... ;-)
P.P.S. never would be something like in Ms... ;->

				Malx (Ukraine,Kiev)
Word is not a color but a picture. To understand it you must draw it by

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