Re: Proposal for File-Selection Dialog

>> I like the mac way of doing it.  Removable media automatically appear on
>> the desktop, and so do network links.  These items then appear at the
>> top of file-selection dialog file lists.
> make that configurable, PLEASE! I can see the points for the mac's way,
> but  I know at least one person (me) that hates it when the machine does
> something on it's own without me having it told to.

Configurable this, configurable that... at some point it goes from making
something flexible to wishy-washy until you've ended up making an engine
for a GUI and put off making the actual GUI.

Now, maybe that's a decent way to go -- it's a step up from the
flexibility/ambiguity of X.  But somewhere along the line somebody has to
make the actual GUI and it would be nice if it was well thought out.

What we should be looking for is something that is both powerful *and*
simple -- the two don't have to be mutually exclusive.  At some point you no
longer can satisfy everyone and every criteria, but that point is a ways off

And I don't think that having removable media show up immediately is so bad.
Sure, you pressed no keys to make it happen.  But you *did* put the floppy
in the drive.

                                           -- Ian

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