Re: Activate Scroll Key

[about thinkpad third mouse buttom scrolling]

This is exactly the same as the 8way scrolling with middle button 

I am still very much in favour of it.
Remember that it has to be an additional feature and
we can keep middle button click for paste (a X standard for a change).
Keep the scrollbars, add the middlebutton-drag scrolling.

The scrollbars are visually obviuos, but horrible to use.
They are too small, especially the arrows, 
important functions are too far apart 
(the arrows are on different sides, for most widget-libs),
page down can be impossible if the space between the bar and the arrow
is too small ...

So again:

 Lets keep the scrollbars, because they are visually obvious
   everybody else has them, they give good visual clues to where you
   are in the document ...

 Lets add middlebutton-drag scrolling, because
   its easier to use in a lot of cases,
   its good to have some distinct GNOME features,
   it proves that we can overcome old but (sometimes) stupid
   GUI elements like the scrollbar the soft way.

Keyword: Addition not Replacement


(Hey Dan. I see that you like it now. Last time around you did not
like it on the basis that some (alot of?) people don't have a 3 button

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