Re: New Gnome Proposal!

-----Original Message-----
From: Preben Randhol <>
To: Dan "Effugas" Kaminsky <effugas@BEST.COM>
Cc: <>
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: New Gnome Proposal!

>* "Dan \"Effugas\" Kaminsky" <
>| "How bout a 3D word processor?  You could layer one paragraph on top of
>| another and navigate through a virtual book, where words spring at you
>| macho killer freaks in a role playing game.  We could call it Super
>| Writer 2 Turbo!"
>Sorry, but what's the point? I mean wp's have enough problems staying
>stable as it is.


(Now what'll be really funny is if anybody finds the article and posts what
comes right after this :-)

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