Re: Apologies to gnome-gui if I ever said you guys were flamers...

"Dan" == Dan \"Effugas\" Kaminsky <Dan> writes:

Dan> The general message I recieved from the coding contingent was
Dan> "Well, we don't care if you have a good or well developed idea
Dan> that everybody wants, we're doing our own thing, so shut up if
Dan> you can't code, you're a dumbass since you can't code, I'm only
Dan> going to give you web space if you code something, wahhhhh we're
Dan> coders so we're special."

That's not the message I see being sent to you.  Rather, I see coders
telling you that your proposals are completely ignorant of any of the
technical issues which would be involved in implementing them.  On top
of that, you don't appear interested in finding out what those
difficulties are, and you refuse to listen to coders when they tell
you that your ideas are ignorant.  You're not a dumbass because you
can't code, but because you won't listen to those who can.

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