Re: GNOMEPrint, Icons, and shades of InSight..

Bowie Poag wrote:

> This is precisely what we were doing in InSight. We were going to have a
> scaling engine and icon cache that would have used 64x64 base tiles, and
> converted them on the fly up to as high as 80x80, and as low as 8x8 for
> usage on the destop.  After conversion, they would be cached, in the hope
> that they would later be used by the system. Theres alot I could talk
> about here, but I'll stop for now.

Well, you should at least finish your thought.  (c:  Was there a _problem_ you
ran into at Insight?  Was it too much work?  Or did the scaled icons just look
bad?  With Gleef's scheme, each size would have its own separately-drawn icon,
so scaling isn't a problem.  And it'll only be done once, for the single foot
icon (or if it becomes themable, then the themed replacements, too), and then
we'll never have to worry about it again.

What made multiple icon sizes unworkable at Insight?  At least tell us that


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