Dan Effugas Kaminsky <> wrote:
> >who's it then?
> >the poweruser doesn't need a damn gui at all, I'll be faster and more
> >efficient on the console any time, no matter what gui.
> Fine, give up, KDE has won the newbies, it's just like Windows 95.
> Gee, can't I have a powerful GUI?  Is that impossible?

cool down, guys. :)

I was not discarding the powerusers. I  simply say that we must aim at the
newbies, because otherwise gnome will end up a tool for  some gurus and
that's that.
of course we must allow  advanced features and all  that. it's just that 
the prime targets are the newbies.

> I fail to see how copy/paste fits in well with the CLI framework, and I LOVE
> copy/paste.   Great piece of interface, can't wait to mangle it ;-)

you do know about gpm, do you? ;)

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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