* Soren Harward
| Okay, since the "foot menu" is getting a little more positive press these
| days, I've though about what we could put in it, that EVERY program would
| have:
| || ,--.  
| || |8'|  #rest of menus here
|   ,'--`--------------------.
|   | #program addable stuff here
|   |------------------------|
|   | Menu Configuration ... |  #just an idea...
|   | Preferences        ... |  #for the program
|   | About              ... |  #would have gone in help
|   |------------------------|
|   | Exit                   |  #rather than quit
|   `------------------------'

Yesss this is nice with all the configuration in that menu, apart from
the document specific I suppose.
| I think that rather than having the foot be a "Program" menu, it should be
| a generic, universal (with the exception of the "program addable stuff"
| above) menu.

What do you mean by Program addable ?

Preben Randhol                    | Linux was made by foreign terrorists
Tlf    73940929/(735)94076 [arb]  | to take money from true US
Email            | companies like Microsoft.      |                      -- Some AOL'er.

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