RE: RGSG - File Menu

> >If quitting closes all, then what's the difference between quit and close
> all and quit?
> Quit:  Close all things and quit.  One menu command.
> Close All And Quit:  Close All things, sit around with nothing to do, have
> the option of opening a file or making a new one or importing 
> something or,
> if you like, press quit.   Poof, quit.

Ooooh, I understand now. I thought you were saying that there should be a single menu item called "Close All and Quit" that should close all windows and then immediately quit. But now I totally agree with you.

> I hate the macos menu solution.  Hate?  I misspelled despise, loathe, etc.
> Worst part of the interface.

There needs to be some way for the user to know that an app is running even if it has no windows. The Minbar is certainly one solution to that.

Wesley Felter - - Hack the Planet

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