RE: RGSG - File Menu

> I agree there should be a close all.  I also think there should be a close
> all and quit.

If quitting closes all, then what's the difference between quit and close all and quit?

I think close all is definitely a good idea, but then there's a question of how some apps would display themselves when they have no documents/files open. (e.g. Some apps have a 1:1 correspondence between windows and documents, so if there are no documents open then there are no windows open and you can't see the app. This is tied to the issue of whether the app should quit when its last window closes; if it does then there's no difference between close all and quit. MacOS solves this by keeping the app's menubar around even if it has no windows, but I don't know if that's a good solution.)

(Sorry Dan, the first time I sent this I missed the list...)

Wesley Felter - - Hack the Planet

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