Re: RGSG - File Menu

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Dan Kaminsky wrote:

> At the cost of consistency to the user, we're going to make filing apps
> different than nonfiling apps?  What happens when save state gets added to a
> nonfiling app?

No, we are not. A nonfiling app will have the Program menu and so will the
Filing app. The only difference is that we have removed the legacy word
File, and separated it into a new menu that deals with filing stuff. I
guess it is perfectly clear to me. As a disclaimer I must add that I have
not looked at the mockups of the menues. 

Also a standard usage pattern seems to be that new users look through all
text labled menus to see what alternatives are available. This is true for
three people I have observed, they are not novice users but new to GNOME
and X all the same. I used xemacs as a test application.


Martin Wahlén		Sound Foundation Inc.	    tel.    (613) 563-2226  152 Hawthorne Ave.          fax.    (613) 563-2228      K1S 0B3

"Our policy is, when in doubt, do the right thing."   -- Roy L Ash

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