Re: The Help Menu

>Using any icon (Gnomeprint or application icon) as a menu is, from my
>experience, a tech support nightmare.  It is far easier to refer to text
>on screen than a picture.  Application icons would have the additional
>disadvantages of being inconsistant, likely to change from one version of
>the application to the next, and potentially very difficult to describe.

OK, that *kills* application icon idea dead.  Do you think though that "the
footprint next to file" is hard to say over the phone?

>To further complicate matters, colorblind people will always make the text
>easy for them read, a multi-colored icon might be completely
>incomprehensible, perhaps invisible, to such a user.
>I think all menu headings should be Text, not pictures.

Well the above is an argument to eliminate icons EVERYWHERE...not sure THATS
a good idea.

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