Re: Clearing up some things (plus flame retardant # 2)

Dan Kaminsky <> wrote:
> I have no problem with a project maintainer opening up the project a little
> to the general public.  What are you saying, Tom?  That only the list can
> see what's been brewing?  That you have to subscribe to know the future?

I've gotta point to gleef once again. I tried explaining before that (quote)
"I don't mind an irc conference". I just mind the way the list was -
unintentionally if I understood bowie correctly - put down to a bunch of

> Like I said, you haven't yet posted a second draft.
you should relax a bit, because I did. :)

> Two frameworks are bad, just like two language/toolkit/namespace
> combinations are bad.  They prevent a working, non-bloated gestalt.
yeah, let's all unite on c and kill all other languages. ;)

there's a reason that things tend to move towards diversity unless
forcefully restrained.

The universe does not have laws -- it has habits, and habits can be broken.

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