Re: Gnomeprint-in-app

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Vogt <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, August 01, 1998 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Gnomeprint-in-app

>yeah, but in something along the lines of:
>File    Edit    View    Options         Help
>a graphical symbol really IS out of place. it would have to have a special
>meaning very unlike all the other options to justify itself. remember: only
>use specials when something IS special.


The function of the Gnomeprint would be to do such things as record macro,
record screenplay, change window theme, view keybindings, minimize,
maximize, lock application, etc.  Those are functions that are definitely
special, in the sense of they're a layer above their owner app.

Now, lets say we put them in a menu right next to the app name on the status
bar.  User will NEVER find it--a menu bar not on the menu?  Huh?  Lets say
we put them on the wayyyyy right of the menu bar.  User will never find
it(research showed that for Help) and experienced users will look to it for
help and be disappointed.

The only rub is the IBM research that says that the menu most to the left
gets picked first.  Does this apply to the first text icon or the first
GNOME icon?  I'd possibly argue for a gnome button up by the
minimize/maximize/close set in this case.

Speaking of that little set of icons, how does a top-window button(like KDE
has, I think) strike y'all?

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