Re: Scriptability: To what degree is this critical?

On Sat, 1 Aug 1998 wrote:

> ->  This is actually how it was done under AmigaDOS, if I remember correctly.
> ->  The standard file requester library (named req.library) would handle such
> ->  stuff -- Unless you were running a nifty little patch program which
> ->  intercepted OS calles to req, and diverted them to other requester
> ->  libraries like mfr.library, asl.library, etc.. Completely user-selectable
> ->  file requesters, systemwide.
> ->  
> ->  Gotta love AmigaDOS. :)
> STOP reminding me! :) I want my Ami back! :)


Hehehe. We all do. It would sure as hell make my life easier right now --
I've got about 60 different little thing-a-majigs to paint for the
Conference webpage today -- The kinda thing that would take me 4 hours in
Photoshop, 3 hours in GIMP, or 20 minutes with my Amiga. :)

Busy busy,

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