Re: Scriptability: To what degree is this critical?

On Sat, 1 Aug 1998, Dan Kaminsky wrote:

> >For instance, the spreadsheet load/save modules will all be external
> >corba applications.
> Great, more work, we get to define the GUI of the loader/savers...
> Actually, would this imply that the user could use whatever loader/saver he
> or she wanted?

This is actually how it was done under AmigaDOS, if I remember correctly.
The standard file requester library (named req.library) would handle such
stuff -- Unless you were running a nifty little patch program which
intercepted OS calles to req, and diverted them to other requester
libraries like mfr.library, asl.library, etc.. Completely user-selectable
file requesters, systemwide.

Gotta love AmigaDOS. :)


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