Re: [gnome-freebsd] Evolution 0.13...

On Thu, 2001-09-20 at 18:49, Matt Meola wrote:
> alive!  The only thing I can't do, so far, wrt Linux, is use the
> Contacts functionality.  Even when I hacked the Makefile for the port to
> include the "--with-openldap" option, it just won't add any contacts at
> all.
> Still, it's awfully nice to have a decent mail client.

0.13 (and now 0.14) seem to "sort of" work.  I can read and send mail
with it, as I'm doing now, but it's still extremely easy to crash.  I
have a lot of folders with thousands of messages in them, which I think
is part of the problem.

Also, I can only start it once.  If I exit (or it crashes), I have to
find all of the leftover processes and kill them manually.  Sometimes it
seems to help to run "oaf-slay" and "gconftool --shutdown".  There are
always "wombat" and "bonobo-moniker-xmldb" processes lying around.  Does
this only happen to me?

It does so far appear to be the only GUI e-mail program I can stand to
use at all.
Christopher Masto

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