DocBook is evil, long live thingy

In case we needed more examples of how hard it is to
create correct DocBook:

The author of that manual has made a bunch of mistakes
with docbook tags, all of which are perfectly
understandable given how many different but similar
tags there are. And I've not been able to give the
correct usage in all cases -- what is the correct tag
for a command in a right-click menu? Why don't we use

I've been pondering names for the new markup language
to replace it.

I think we need a D or an H in the name, for
Documentation or Help.
And since the bit thing about it will be that it's
topic-based, I was thinking about the words CHUNK and
NODE. As in, a chunk of NODE. Or a CHUNK node. Or a
NODE topic.

Anyone here good at devising acronyms?

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