Re: Screenshots in help

On Jul 23, 2006, at 6:32 AM, Joachim Noreiko wrote:

--- Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt myrealbox com> wrote:
Before the BetterDesktop studies, other studies had
also found that people confuse screenshots with the actual
interface. < secondary.htm+%22even+fairly+sophisticated+users+were+clicking+the+gra phic%22>

More about avoiding screenshots:

When screenshots really are necessary, I suggest:
*   crop them to only the relevant control or window area
*   reduce them to 75% or so (as mentioned in the thread)
*   make them fade out on each side, so they look even less like a
    real window
*   make them short looping animations (about 1 fps), when
    appropriate for illustrating a process.
I'm away right now -- could someone copy the salient
points and links of the above to a new bug, so we
don't forget -- file against either the Doc Handbook
or the Style Guide, I forget which one talks about

Done. <>

An even better approach would be to add to yelp and GTK the ability to walk you through the real interface without screenshots. For example, in a "How do I send customized letters?" help page
for Abiword, clicking a "Guide Me" button might highlight the
"Tools" menu, then highlight the "Mail Merge…" item in the menu once
you opened it, then wait for you to choose a file before describing the next step, and so on.

That's probably for even beyond Mallard...


Matthew Paul Thomas

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